(Magyar változat a végén)
Babinda Creek, the "Bouldres" |
On Thursday it was raining all day, so we spent most of the time in the van, but in the afternoon we did a walk along the creek to two lookout points to see the "Boulders", a series of huge rounded granite rocks thrown over the cascading, sparkling clear water. The creek is surrounded by a dense, lush tropical jungle with a myriad of trees, ferns, vines, fungi, moss and lichen. It was an enjoyable walk despite the rain. Later, we invited over a Tasmanian couple huddled below their small awning for a drink in our van, and we had a good few hours chatting with them, we even found some common acquaintances in Hobart - small world.
Tropical rainforest |
Josephine Falls |
Friday morning we drove down to the nearby Josephine Falls, only 17 kms further South, also on the foothills of Mt. Bartle Frere. It is part of the same Wooroonooran National Park, with several picnic spots and walking tracks, including one going up to the mountain peak. We only went up to the lookout points along the creek to see the falls. It was still a drizzle but not cold, around 20-22 degrees, a group of young people were splashing and playing in the water.
The only hotel built by the state of Queensland |
The rain has stopped by the time we got back to Babinda and walked around the town centre. A nice little town, seemingly struggling to stay alive; many shops were closed and "for sale" along the main street. In the afternoon we again walked up to the lookouts along Babinda Creek and I also tried the water - it was "refreshing", as they say, meaning it felt pretty cold to me.
Mt. Bartle Frere, the peak still in clouds |
Banana plantation |
Kurrimine Beach |
Today (Monday, 18 July) we woke up to heavy rain. Fortunately it has almost stopped by around 8 am so we could pack up and leave without getting too wet. Then we drove down to Townsville in intermittent rain, sometimes heavy, other times just a drizzle. We planned to stay in Townsville, but we could not get a site, it seems the whole town is full of grey nomads from the Southern States. So we did some shopping and went on Southbound. We ended up at a caravan park at Alva Beach near Ayr.
Babinda főútcája |
A Babinda patak a "boulder"-ek között |
Csütörtökön egász nap esett, többnyire csak a lakókocsiban üldögéltünk, de délután elsétáltunk a patak mellett a kilátó-pontokhoz. Az óriási sziklák között zuhogó víz szép látvány volt. Körülötte sűrű trópusi dzsungel, mohás fa-óriások, páfrányok, liánok szövevénye, minden nedves és párás, nehéz volt fényképezni. Nagyon élveztük az eső ellenére. Később meghívtuk a mellettünk táborozó tasmániai házaspárt a lakókocsinkba egy italra, és jól elbeszélgettünk velük, még közös Hobart-i ismerőst is találtunk - kicsi a világ...
Josephine vízesés |
Babinda patak, a gyakori áradás maradványai |
Cukornád últetvények az út mellett |
Kurrimine Beach |
A kemping Alva Beach-en |
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