Sunday 8 April 2012


Welcome to our big Australian Adventure! 

Kate and I (Peter) are planning to travel around Australia, and we are going to share our experiences in this blog with anyone interested in following us. Most of our potential followers will be Hungarians, but there may be some from different backgrounds, so we thought it may be more practical to write in English which is more likely understood by everybody - hopefully this is not causing much difficulties to anyone... However, we might include some comments in Hungarian as well...

Üdv mindenkinek! 
Ebben a blog-ban fogunk beszámolni az Ausztrália körüli utunk élményeiről. Nem tudom, hányan fogják olvasni, valószínűleg a legtöbb követőnk magyar lesz, de akadhatnak érdeklődők máshonnan is. Ezért úgy gondoltuk, hogy inkább angolul írjuk a beszámolót, remélve, hogy ez a mindenki (vagy majdnem mindenki) számára érthető nyelv. De néha azért majd beiktatunk egy-egy rövid összefoglalót magyarul is...

This has been a long standing dream of ours. Preparations started more than a year ago, with selecting the appropriate gear for the trip. Our first idea was to buy a motorhome, but then we realised that it would not take us to all the destinations that we want to visit. So we decided that a 4x4 car and an off-road caravan is a better option. It took a long time to search and evaluate the various options. Finally, after long deliberations, we selected and ordered a caravan, and bought a used 4WD. We picked up our caravan, an off-road ECO-Tourer single-bed, in Melbourne and brought it home in January 2012.
Our new vehicle and caravan on the way home from Melbourne
Ezzel az autóval és lakókocsival fogunk utazni a következő 6 hónapban
Since then we have spent a lot of time making our future home as comfortable as possible and our car as fit for all conditions as possible. Now we are almost ready to depart, only the last-minute preparations remain.

We plan to leave Sydney on Sunday, 15 April, heading North roughly along the coast to Queensland up to Cairns. The rest is too far to think about now...


  1. Good on You! There is a difference in talking about things and doing things. Congratulations! Be aware, no matter how prepared you think you are, unexpected can and will happen. Enjoy.
    Imre Csibi

  2. Peter, you've done it! Because it is something I would like to do, I thought about this many times since you mentioned you planned to do this sometime last year. Godd on you and Bon Voyage.

    I'm glad you decided to blog in English. My Hungarian is a bit rusty! I'll be following your adventures.

  3. Drága Barátom, Drága Kati!
    Nagyon jó, szerencsés utat kívánok, kívánunk! Gondolatban Veletek leszünk! Jobban örülnék a magyar nyelvű beszámolónak, de megértem a lényeget (főleg a képeket) angolul is. Amennyiben időközben megnyerjük az ötöslottó főnyereményét, (kb 10 millió dollár) azonnal csatlakozunk! Üdv Pufi
